The use of lifting anchors is the most widespread all along the years, the easiest and the cheapest one among all those existing on the market.
Moreover, for the lifting of thin elements or beams with a thin core, the integral socket with reinforced bar is an insuperable product as it directly and quickly spreads the load in deepness.
To be sure of adopting a good and safety lifting system, have a look to the same section referred to the anchor and for the choice and check of the socket, please consult the same section dedicated to the anchor.
In the specific case of lifting sockets, the manufacturer guarantees that the breakage of the full system socket-articulated loop in axial pull happens at 4 times the nominal pull with which sockets are commercially individuated.
Naturally, it is necessary to respect the distances from the edges and the minimum distances between centers of nearby sockets, to confine suitably each socket into the concrete with anchoring and distribution mesh.
For construction details, please check the figures shown here. In any case, our technical-commercial office may inform you about the various types used and suggest to you the best, efficacious, sure and economical solution.